Baby Included


Monday, June 15, 2009

Gone Away

About a week ago, Mommy and I went on our first vacation since Baby was born. Although we've contemplated about going somewhere with Baby, I opted to arrange this trip without Baby, as Mommy needed a few vacation days after 14 months of hard work at home. We left Baby at Auntie and Uncle's, so I have no crazy Baby traveling stories as I would expect I'd have lots of this time around, and I'll save my stories of lying under palm trees and poolsides in the Caribbean for some other time.

The hardest thing about travelling without the little person you wake up to every morning (asides from Mommy), is trying to not regret that you went travelling without your little person in the first place. Not that we tried to forget, but the resort where we stayed out had so many babies of all ages, and so many child friendly activities, we were always admiring other babies, and thinking how much fun it would have been if Baby came with us. But then again, thinking about getting through the airports and plane rides with an additional baby seat, stroller, bags of supplies, Baby, etc., always appended my first thoughts, so we never regretted anything when we got back. When Baby does get older though, we'll likely go back to the Caribbean so we can all enjoy floating in inner tubes together.

Even this family brought their baby.

By the way, Baby was of course happy to see us when we got back, but all we got was a big smile, and then he promptly turned his back on us because splashing in the pool was definitely more fun than seeing Daddy and Mommy after four days away from us.

"Hey, don't I know you two?!"

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