...to a variety of vegetables Daddy never learned to appreciate:
- Butternut squash
- Peas
- Carrots
- Broccoli
Baby can't resist the delicately steamed, rapidly pureed orange and green mush, which he now quickly gulps down by the spoonful. And if you're wondering why would we feed him things that Daddy wouldn't eat since he learned how to use a fork, it's because we doubt Baby'll resist eating things in the fruit or sugar category, so we're saving the good stuff for when he gets through everything that sits low on Daddy's tasteometer.
Daddy, who ever said you had bad taste?
Introducing new foods to a baby is a lengthy process. Because you have no idea what a baby's body may react to, every food needs to be introduced and then the baby observed for a few days to make sure there isn't an adverse reaction. This is unfortunate, as the holiday season is like lying with your mouth open under a waterfall of carbohydrates and meat, and Baby can only enjoy it one taste at a time.
I can't wait to generously share all the peas, tofu, and green things on my plate with Baby. Hopefully by the next holiday!
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