Baby Included


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Game Time

At around three or four months of age, babies begin to try to talk, learn their own name, and recognize people. At this crucial period of development, it's imperative to hold regular conversations with your baby, call them by their name whenever you speak to them, and expose them to lots of people. Like "Tummy Time, " there should be a daily ritual where you dedicate a slot of time to one aspect of development. For example, a dedicated "Story Time," where you expose your baby to colorful story books while you read to him, or a "Game Time" after an afternoon nap for something simple like Peek-A-Boo.

One activity Baby and I like to play is "Movie Time," where Baby re-enacts famous movie scenes, and I guess what movies they're from. Here are a few he tried out on me this past week; see if you can guess what movies he's acting out:

a) "Arrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!"

b) "Adriaaaaaaan!"

c) "That's not a knife. That's a knife."

Answers below:

A) Alien

B) Rocky

C) Crocodile Dundee

He's getting pretty good at this game. I should probably be cutting back on his "Extended Cable TV Time."

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