Baby Included


Monday, May 19, 2008

Road Trip

I've been a bit busy and haven't had time to post, so this one's about a week late - Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Baby completed his first road trip on Mother's Day, a one hour drive to my sister's place in New Jersey. His first long-term car ride was uneventful, since he falls asleep so hard once the car starts moving, I could probably drive to Disney World before he would wake up.

Here he is, unconscious and spilling out of his car seat:
That's a pretty snug car seat. Give him another week and we'll probably need a spatula to pry him outta there.

As a nice Mother's Day bonus, baby gave Mommy a big morning smile the day after. Daddy missed it, but I guess I can wait till Father's Day for another one of those. (Babies begin smiling more frequently between 1-2 months of age.)

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