Baby Included


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Coming Soon

The doctor expects wifey to deliver within the next two weeks. That's a little ahead of schedule, but at this point, a speedy delivery will probably be appreciated. The little guy is squirming around quite a bit in there, and everything from his head to his butt is taking up valuable real estate, pressuring organs and other necessary body parts. Every time he moves, it is now highly visible and somewhat painful.

My sister-in-law was told she would deliver early, but ended up delivering a few days past her due date. According to The Expectant Father, "couples who think they are late really aren't." The due date is "a ballpark figure based on an assumed 28-day menstrual cycle, and there's always a window of plus or minus two weeks." From What to Expect... "70% of post-term (late) pregnancies are due to miscalculations of the time of conception." And my co-worker's theory: "Boys deliver late because they're lazy and like to stay inside." That theory actually makes the most sense of all.

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