With that said, I'd like to introduce Olivia Song, freshly birthed this past Monday morning, 10/12, at 5:34 AM.
I'm a bit slow thinking right now now to write more, as we were all quickly reminded how new babies have that "must-eat-every-two-hours" rule. Mommy's been extremely tired on a 24 hour basis, while Daddy's been doing double duty during the day watching the original Baby, who is now more appropriately the Big Brother.
The two of them do get along fine so far, which is the most asked question since we've gotten home. We've been trying to get our first Baby used to being around other newborns, but those newborns always get returned to their original owners by the end of the day. But he's yet to exhibit any jealousy so far, and we do our best to spread the attention and hugs equally between babies.